Pledge to oppose SFPOA contract extension renegotiation
This summer, thousands of San Franciscans hit the streets to demand we transform our approach to public safety and end police violence. However, the renegotiated San Francisco Police Officers Association contract extension was developed behind closed doors with no community input and stands in direct opposition to the will of the people.
This renegotiated contract extension
Makes ZERO policy concessions. This contract extension locks in status quo policing policies, including disastrous policies on transparency and police accountability through 2023.
Gives police officers two additional years of raises resulting in a MORE expensive contract when the City is already struggling financially.
Establishes a parity clause, which requires police officers to receive any raises given to teachers, nurses, and other essential city workers.
Moves contract negotiations to an election year, giving the SFPOA more leverage and political power over our City again.
The Board of Supervisors is voting to approve or reject this contract as soon as December 1st. To approve this contract is to reject the will of the people and calls for justice.
We are revitalizing the No Justice, No Deal Coalition to demand that the Supervisors listen to our communities and reject this POA contract extension.
The Pledge
I pledge to fight for the rejection of the renegotiated San Francisco Police Officers Association contract extension and to ensure that all future negotiations occur in public and incorporate feedback from the community directly—not through committees or task forces.